2.14 PCD Sections
These sections are used for specifying PCD information. The entries for these sections are looked up from the packagedeclaration files (DEC) for generating the AutoGen.c
and AutoGen.h
The PCD's Name (PcdName
) is defined as PCD Token Space GUID C name and the PCD C name - separated by a period "." character. Unique PCDs are identified using the following format to identify the named PCD:
PCDs listed in architectural sections must not be listed in common architectural sections. It is not possible for a PCD to be valid for only IA32 and also valid for any architecture.
A PCD may be valid for IA32 and X64 and invalid for EBC usage, so mixing of specific architectural modifiers is permitted.
This section defines how a module has been coded to access a PCD. A PCD can only be accessed using the function defined by the UEFI specification for a single type, therefore, mixing PCD section types is not permitted.
There are five defined PCD types. Do not confuse these types with the data types of the PCDs. The five types are: FeaturePcd
(in code, identified as FEATURE_FLAG
), FixedPcd
), PatchPcd
) and two dynamic types of PCDs, Pcd
) and PcdEx
The two recommended types that are commonly used in modules are: Feature PCD and the dynamic PCD form. The PCD is used for configuration when the PCD value is produced and consumed by drivers during execution, the value may be user configurable from setup or the value is produced by the platform in a specified area. It is associated with modules that are released in source code. The dynamic form is the most flexible method, as platform integrators may chose a to use a different type (such as fixed) for a given platform without modifying the module's INF file or the code for the module. For modules that will be distributed as binaries, the PatchPcd
and PcdEx
are the only supported types.
The FeaturePcd
is used to enable some code paths; the EDK II build system will generate a const
statement for these PCDs.
Similar in function, the dynamic PcdEx
type can be used with modules that are released as binary. However, the access methods for this style prevents using these PCDs as any other PCD type (source code must change in order for a PcdEx
to be used as a FixedPcd
The FixedPcd
and PatchPcd
are static and only the PatchPcd
can have the value changed in a binary prior to including the module in a firmware image.
The content of this section is the PCD Token Space Guid C Name, followed by a period "." character and then the C name of the PCD. The default value is optional. (See chapter 3, Module Information (INF) Format Specification, later in this document for definition of the content.) Every PCD (PcdName
) is identified by two parts, the PCD's Token Space Guid C Name and the PCD's C Name. These two items are separated by a period "." character. This section uses one of the following section definitions:
The required entries for this section are the PCD Token Space Guid C Name's for the PCD that will be looked up by tools from the DEC files, and the PCD's C name - that must be specified in the DEC files to limit accidental duplicate PCD C Name collisions. A default value that the module developer suggests to use for the PCD is optional.
Values of PCDs defined in this file override the default values specified in the EDK II package declaration (DEC) file. The platform integrator can specify values in the DSC and FDF files or on the build command line to override any settings in this file. If a default value is not specified, the build system uses 1) values from the command line, 2) values from the FDF file, 3) values from the DSC file or 4) values from the DEC file.
Expressions, or Feature Flag Expressions, may be used on PCD entry lines.
If there are files listed in a [Binaries]
section and this is a PatchPcd
section, and the third field of an entry is a Hex number, 0x00000012
, then the value is an offset into a binary image. The format for this type of entry is:
PcdName | Value | HexValue
For all other instances, the format for this type of entry is:
PcdName | [Value] [ | FeatureFlagExpression]
When a FeatureFlagExpression
is present, if the expression evaluates to TRUE
, then the PCD entry is valid. If the expression evaluates to FALSE
, then the EDK II build tools must ignore the entry.
The content for the PCD entry is the PCD's Name (PCD's Token Space Guid C name, followed by a period "." character then the PCD's C name) and an optional Default value. These fields are separated by the pipe "|" character. If a module is coded for only FIXED_AT_BUILD
PCDs, it can only be used during a build from source files. This section must not be present in an INF file that describes a binary only module. This section uses one of the following section definitions:
The following is an example of the PCD FIXED_AT_BUILD
The PCD entry content is the PCD's Name (PCD's Token Space Guid C name, followed by a period "." and the PCD's C name) and an optional Default value. This section may be present in INF files that describe a binary only module. This type of PCD is one of the recommended formats for modules that will be distributed in binary format. These fields are separated by the pipe "|" character. This section uses one of the following section definitions:
The following is an example of the PCD FIXED_AT_BUILD
The content for the PCD entry is the PCD's Name (PCD's Token Space Guid C name, followed by a period "." and the PCD's C name) and an optional Default value of either TRUE
, 1
or 0
. These fields are separated by the period "|" character. This section must not be present in INF files that describe a binary only module. This section uses one of the following section definitions:
The following is an example of the PCD FEATURE_FLAG
2.14.4 DYNAMIC
The content for the PCD entry is the PCD's Name (PCD's Token Space Guid C name, followed by a period "." and the PCD's C name) and an optional Default value. These entries are separated by the pipe "|" character. While this section is the recommended method for coding PCD access methods, it must not be present in INF files that describe a binary only module. This section uses one of the following section definitions:
The following is an example of the PCD DYNAMIC
The content for the PCD entry is the PCD's Name (PCD's Token Space Guid C name, followed by a period "." and the PCD's C name) and an optional Default value. These entries are separated by the pipe "|" character. This section may be present in INF files that describe a binary only module. This type of PCD is one of the recommended formats for modules that will be distributed in binary format. This section uses one of the following section definitions:
The following is an example of the PCD DYNAMIC_EX
Note: For binary (.efi) modules, only PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE
PCDs may be specified. FixedPcd
and FeaturePcd
sections are not permitted for binary distribution of modules.
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